Sacred Mountain Wellness Workshops
Sacred Mountain Wellness offers a variety of targeted 60-minute workshops based around general wellness, breathing for stress reduction, improving sleep, meditation, nutrition, and more to help you pay attention to individual aspects of your body and health.
Sign up for one-on-one healing session in person or over the phone, or get your office involved in a corporate session.
- Breathing for whole-body wellbeing: Through combining the power of conscious breathing with breath awareness techniques, we repair our ability to take in more breath, opening to more joy and abundance in our lives, while reclaiming our vital life force energy and aliveness!
- Sugar Blues: Learn to educate yourself on the real effects of sugar so you can keep sweets in your life without going cold turkey.
- Bone Health: Explore how to maintain your bone health without the help of medication.
- The Cholesterol Cure: Take an in-depth look at your cholesterol intake and how you can use natural and holistic methods to maintain a healthier cholesterol level.
- Safe Sun Exposure: We don’t need to be scared of the sun. Learn how to protect yourself from the sun while still benefiting from its healing powers.
- Super Immune Health: Tips and tricks on using natural methods to supercharge your immune system through the cold and flu season.
- Stress Reduction and Management: We put more stress on ourselves than the human body can physically handle. Work towards finding methods that will help you cut your stress to a minimum.
- Clean Eating in a Toxic World: Clean eating is the best way to protect your health for a lifetime. Learn simple strategies for identifying harsh toxins in the foods you eat and how to find healthier alternatives.
- The Diet/Brain Health Connection: Supercharge your brain and learn how to feed your head so you can function at your highest potential.
- Super Greens: Explore how you can incorporate greens into your diet—the healthiest food on the planet.
- Sleep Soundly: Have trouble sleeping? Reclaim your sleep cycle without the use of medication.
- Smoking Cessation: Find holistic and positive techniques that will help you slowly and successfully quit smoking while rebuilding your body and repairing your health.
- Understanding Food Labels: Arm yourself with the tools, language, and knowledge to really understand food labels so you can make healthier decisions at the grocery store.
- Complete Body Cleansing: Use the safest and most effective techniques possible to cleanse your body of negative toxins.